
Hi, I’m Jalysa. I’m a fitness and nutrition fanatic with a BS in Biology, and a passion for learning. As a long time vegan I strive to encourage others to #JoinThePlantFed. I adopted a vegan lifestyle after a childhood of vegetarianism. I’m living proof that you can thrive as an athlete on a plant based diet. If you must ask where I get my protein from, please be warned that the list is a long one.

After graduating from college I was able to travel the world as a Peace Corps Volunteer. My favorite part of travel is experiencing the local cuisine and finding ways to translate that into a strict vegan diet. Thanks to my international jaunts, I’ve learned how to create affordable, creative, and delicious vegan meals in a pinch. My goal is to share the beauty and benefits of veganism with those interested, and make the transition easy and sustainable. And did I mention vegan powers?

Being a busy working woman, and an avid multitasker, I use weight lifting and cross training as an outlet for stress. My involvement in sports throughout my life has allowed me to develop a passion for fitness. Despite this, it wasn’t until after I discontinued collegiate sports during my junior year of college, that I realized that I did not know how to maintain an active lifestyle without a team-based structure. Due to this lack of activity, I grew very unhappy emotionally and physically. My body image issues seemed to become my main focus. I yearned for an outlet, but could not seem to pull it together.

Throughout the years and with quite a bit of guidance, education, and hard work I’ve been able to revamp my fitness and dietary temple. I truly believe that incorporating clean eating, an active lifestyle, consistency, and a bit of elbow grease can make a huge difference in the quality of our lives.


I became a Warrior because I know what it feels like to be lost, depressed, unmotivated, and insecure. I’ve been on both sides of the spectrum, and I understand how much energy it takes to come out a rut and keep pushing forward. Sometimes a simple positive message will suffice and other times it can take consistent support and advice. Through fitness, mental health, and nutrition I am able to work towards becoming the best me. I want to help others reach new heights through self-improvement as well.


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