Advanced Ticket: Sunday July 12th Massy Method Bootcamp

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $20.00.

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Important: Please print your receipt and bring to Bootcamp Event This is For SUNDAY JULY 12th ONLY!

Learn the MassyMethod horizontal total body circuit. Proper warmup and cool down techniques. Burn fat, build muscle, get summer ready in a total of 1hr. Q&A Nutrition seminar and camp.
All fitness levels accepted; beginner and intermediate modifications.
Get ready for Fit Camp.



Date: July 12th – 10AM

Location: Coast Fitness, 5001 W. El Segundo Blvd. Hawthorne, CA 90250(405 Fwy. @ El Segundo)

$20 Entry. All Fitness levels as modifications Will be introduced.

Sunday: 10AM

  • Dynamic warm up 15 mins: proper warm up to engage and fire up the right muscles before circuit.
    30 min total body circuit: 15 min cool down : properly cool down with passive and static stretching.
  • Q&A post workout nutrition.
  • This class focuses on a total body circuit using the massy method horizontal loading system. Here you will learn how to cut down your time in the gym, get both aerobic and anaerobic results and experience one of the best workouts of your life by working the entire body. Build lean muscle, burn fat, And get summer ready!


Introducing the MassyMethod Academy for women and men.

Come out and join me!


Fecha: July 12th – 10AM
Locación: Coast Fitness, 5001 W. El Segundo Blvd.
Hawthorne, CA 90250(405 Fwy. @ El Segundo)

Entrada $20
Domingo: 10am

Clase especializada en el método horizontal y circuitos total body. Toddos los niveles de entranamientos aceptados/modificaciones sean enseñados dependiendo el nivel de condición física.

Preguntas y respuestas: sobre nutrición. En esta clase aprenderán como calentar apropiadamente, como acortar tu tiempo en el gym en un circuito de 30 minutos usando el método horizontal, y como apropiadamente nos enfriamos con estiramiento.


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